Robbie Francis Watene, PhD - New Zealand

About Robbie
Dr. Robbie Francis Watene is a scholar, leader and human rights defender from Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. With 35 years lived experience of disability, Robbie has worked in the disability sector for over 15 years as a support worker, humanitarian documentarian, social entrepreneur, researcher, consultant, and advisor. She has experience working with disabled people in France, Bangladesh, India, Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador, and has spearheaded research on gender, war and disability rights. Robbie is Disabled-Led Research Lead at the Donald Beasley Institute, where she oversees a variety of disability rights research projects and a team of disabled researchers. She is also co-founder and Director of The Lucy Foundation, an international social enterprise that has developed the world’s first value chain of coffee that is entirely inclusive of disabled people - from the farmer in Mexico, to the consumer in Aotearoa. Robbie serves on various governance boards and is Mum to 3-year-old Mita, and 6-month old Te Kawehaumārie (Ngāti Maru (Hauraki), Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine, Te Rarawa).
About Robbie's Research:
Robbie's research will investigate global systems of disabled person-led monitoring under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Article 33.3. The UNCRPD is an international agreement that sets out what governments must do to ensure that disabled people have the same human rights as everyone else. One of the most innovative aspects of the UNCRPD is Article 33.3, which ensures disabled people are involved in monitoring the government’s implementation of their human rights. Robbie's research seeks to understand the benefits and challenges, highlight pockets of excellence, and ultimately form a strong network of disabled people and their representative organizations doing this important work of disabled person-led monitoring around the world.