Community Inclusion Resources

Free resources regarding disability benefits, housing benefits, and financial education

Disability Benefits 101 (DB101)

Disability Benefits 101 gives you tools and information on employment, health coverage, and benefits. You can plan ahead and learn how work and benefits go together.

DB101 is currently offered in the U.S. in eleven states.

Housing Benefits 101 (HB101)

Plan for your home with the services you need. Explore your housing options, discover what works for you, and make a plan to get there!

HB101 is currently available in the state of Minnesota, USA

Financial Education Videos

Our WID Financial Llama video series explains the basics of credit, credit scores, credit reports, and how to improve your credit.

A Black man speaks sign language during an online meeting while people on screen also speak sign language
A Malaysian mother and her daughter with Down Syndrome baking in the kitchen.

Need more hands-on support? We can help!

WID's team of specialists can help you reach your community inclusion goals! Check out our Services page to find out more and schedule a meeting with us to get started.