Explore our services by topic
Our subject matter experts specialize in these 3 topics that impact people with disabilities.
Visit the links to learn more about how we can help you better serve, employ, and include disabled people, while meeting the specific needs of your company or organization.
Note: For accessibility, we have written this page in plain language. For industry-specific terms, jargon, and other complex terms that needed to be included, we have linked them to our glossary. To see a glossary definition, follow the link, then use the back button on your browser to return back to this page.
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Consulting Services
Our Digital and Conference/Event Accessibility Consulting Services include:
- User experience (UX) testing for your organization to find and remove the barriers that customers and employees meet in the built environment and when they use your equipment, technology, products, and services
- Evaluating how accessible your event or conference is and recommending specific steps and resources to help make sure it is both accessible and inclusive for everyone
- Bringing hands-on disability expertise and accommodations to your conference or event
Our Disability Inclusive Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Resilience (DIEPDR) Consulting Services Suite includes:
- Introducing the standards we use to carefully evaluate and score organizations on for Disability Inclusive Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Resilience (DIEPDR)
- Providing your organization with a self-evaluation tool to help you find your preparedness gaps before launching the DIEPDR process
- Customizing the DIEPDR to be used as a stand-alone tool or together with a broader effort to evaluate the inclusion of people with disabilities throughout your organization
- Conducting a thorough analysis to measure current emergency preparedness plans, policies, processes, and who is responsible for them
- Producing a customized DIEPDR report that includes findings and recommendations, with minimum, recommended, and exemplary standards that identify risks and hazards
- Identifying strengths and gaps in physical environments, programs, communications, and documentation
- Providing a Disability Inclusive Emergency Preparedness Certification for corporations and organizations that are leading disability inclusive emergency preparedness and disaster resilience
Our Inclusive Emergency and Disaster Planning Consulting Work includes:
- Designing Emergency Operations Plans
- Providing Standard Operating Procedures, guidance, and considerations documents
- Making sure all plans are universally inclusive, including evacuation; transportation; sheltering; shelter in place; distribution, continuity of operations, recovery, assistance, and reunification; and all communication plans
- Establishing or refreshing protocols, procedures, and documents inclusive of people with disabilities, including protocols and procedures for disability stakeholder groups
- Providing documents that explain what is recommended and expected of partners and support agents
- Customizing disability-inclusive resource and referral lists, evaluation checklists, job action sheets, and just-in-time training
- Making sure that people with disabilities and multiply-marginalized people get equitable treatment throughout the disaster cycle
Ready to learn more?
If you want to learn more and receive a free quote for any of our services, please either use the meeting scheduler tool below, or email us at wid@wid.org to schedule a meeting or request more information!
Note for the meeting scheduler tool: If you are using screen reader software, please note that the "go forward" and "go backward" buttons are for selecting a week to book your appointment with us.