>>: Deaf-Led Disaster Action: a virtual panel hosted by the Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration (GADRA) and Gallaudet University. Recorded September 24, 2021. >> KOTA TAKAYAMA: Hello, and welcome. Hello again. My name is Dr. Kota Takayama. I’m a…
What’s Up WID: The Role of Artists in Disability Activism
(music) Ashley Inkumsah: Hello, everyone and welcome back to What’s Up WID, the World Institute on Disability podcast where we discuss what’s up in the disability community across the globe. I’m your host, Ashley Inkumsah, and today I honored to…
Deaf Leadership in International Disaster Policy: October 29, 2021
The second event in our series in collaboration with Gallaudet University, Deaf-Led Disaster Resilience. Over the last decade, national governments and international human rights groups have devoted increasing attention to Deaf and disability inclusion and leadership in disaster and humanitarian…
Marriage Penalty Prevents Marriage Equity for People with Disabilities
By Sarah Kim You’ve probably heard of marriage equality or marriage equity, likely in the context of LGBTQ+ rights. But there’s another kind of marriage inequity affecting people with disabilities: the disability marriage penalty. In this context, “marriage penalty” refers…
Moving From Disability Rights to Disability Justice
By Hailey Hudson The Disability Rights Movement established civil rights for people with disabilities, opening up opportunities for them to participate more fully in society. This movement gathered speed in the 1960’s and led to the Americans with Disabilities Act…
What’s Up WID: How COVID-19 Transformed the Lives of People with Disabilities Transcripts
Ashley Inkumsah: Hello everyone, and welcome back to What’s Up WID, the World Institute on Disability podcast, where we discuss what’s up in the disability community with activists and advocates across the globe. So today, I am so happy…
GADRA + Gallaudet Present: Deaf-Led Disaster Resilience
The Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration (GADRA) and Gallaudet University invite you to an upcoming three-part event series: Deaf-Led Disaster Resilience. Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction is a growing field of practice, yet deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, and deaf-disabled…
Deaf-Led Disaster Action: September 24, 2021
Deaf-led organizations play a vital role in disaster and humanitarian contexts, but are often overlooked in disaster research, training, management, and reporting. This webinar spotlights Deaf-led organizations in Japan, Trinidad & Tobago, and Viet Nam to raise awareness about disaster…
Why Global Vaccine Inequities Are Harming People with Disabilities
By Mahevash Shaikh When COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, many people across the globe breathed a huge sigh of relief. But it quickly became evident that not every country had equal access to vaccines. In particular, people with disabilities, in…
What’s Up WID: Disability Representation in the Media Transcripts
(music) Ashley Inkumsah: Hello everyone, and welcome back to What’s Up WID, the World Institute on Disability’s podcast, where we discuss what’s up in the disability community with activists and advocates across the globe. If you’re new here, I’m your…