The Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration invites you to join an update on the situation for Ukrainians with disabilities from our colleagues and partners at Fight for Right (FFR).
ASL and CART captioning will be provided. Ukrainian language will also be available.
Further information about speakers will be shared with registered participants.

Image description: Event invite graphic for Leave No One Behind: Updates on Supporting Ukrainians with Disabilities, hosted by GADRA and Fight For Right. Thursday, March 31, 2022, 6 PM UKR/4 PM London/11 AM NY/8 AM PT. ASL and CART captioning provided. Ukrainian language will also be available. Register: Purple and pink wave graphic behind the text.
The agenda includes an update of the ongoing circumstances inside Ukraine for people with disabilities, progress made and how we can continue to help. Fight for Right will provide an update on efforts to support rescue, evacuation, and assistance to reach and cross borders and connect with Disability-led and other humanitarian assistance in the countries with open borders for Ukrainians as well as what we need to do for people with disabilities who have been unable to evacuate.
We are committed to leave no one behind. This is the promise of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and it is the only way to make real the aspirational guarantees of equity and justice for all.
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