Ukrainian flag and colors

Taking Action on Ukraine

The human rights of Ukrainian people with disabilities continue to be violated, their lives endangered, and their needs discarded. These atrocities require a global action. 

GADRA understands that for global impact we must all begin locally and apply full force of our combined efforts on behalf of Ukrainians with disabilities. 

 In recent days GADRA has:

  • GADRA has deployed their full capacity in a comprehensive response to this disaster
  • Continued to support Fight For Right to manage their caseload of over 400 people needing evacuation to safe and appropriate destinations 
  • Engaged with global agencies also interested in action on behalf of people with disabilities

Transcript for Deaf Leadership in International Disaster Policy event

>>: Deaf Leadership in International Disaster Policy, a virtual panel hosted by the Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration (GADRA) and Gallaudet University. Recorded October 29, 2021. >> AUDREY COOPER: Excellent. Hello, everyone, and welcome. I am Dr. Audrey Cooper.…

Transcript for “20 Years of Disability Rights & Inclusion in Disaster Management: Global Rights and Collaboration”

>: 20 years of Disability Rights and Inclusion in Disaster Management: Global Rights and Collaboration >>MARCIE ROTH: I had the incredible opportunity to spend just about eight years at FEMA, I was appointed in the Obama administration. It was…

Deaf Leadership in International Disaster Policy: October 29, 2021

The second event in our series in collaboration with Gallaudet University, Deaf-Led Disaster Resilience. Over the last decade, national governments and international human rights groups have devoted increasing attention to Deaf and disability inclusion and leadership in disaster and humanitarian…

GADRA + Gallaudet Present: Deaf-Led Disaster Resilience

The Global Alliance for Disaster Resource Acceleration (GADRA) and Gallaudet University invite you to an upcoming three-part event series: Deaf-Led Disaster Resilience. Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction is a growing field of practice, yet deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, and deaf-disabled…